Friday, March 25, 2011

April 3 Meeting: Dance-related careers in Atlanta

DanceATL's Bi-Monthly Meeting
Sunday, April 3
3:30-5:30 p.m.
The Beam
Moving in the Spirit

Performance: Refuge Dance Company
Discussion Topic: "Dance Careers in Atlanta"

This meeting will begin with performance by Refuge Dance Company and then move into discussion of dance-related careers in Atlanta. Our group includes dancer/dancemakers, Helen Hale and Daryl Foster, and Jenna Knight, administrator at the Ferst Center for the Arts.
Can you (even partially) support yourself dancing and making dances? Working in a job related to dance? If not, is there anything the community can do to help bolster the landscape for that to become a reality? (sorry, printing money is not an option!)
This one is timed for the soon-to-be graduating college dance majors--will you stay in Atlanta to dance? But it is certainly not limited to only this group's participation! Hope to see you there for a lively discussion. Yay dance!

Busy, busy weekend!

So last year, in April there were shows pretty much every weekend, stacked on top of each other 2 or 3 to a weekend. It was a busy month! But apparently this year everyone decided to put everything THIS weekend! Ok, maybe not really everything, there are still lots of things in April...but it's still pretty jam-packed this weekend. So much so that even with some help, I won't be able to get the dance table around to more than 2 or 3 of the shows that are happening. So look for it and if you can't find it at the show you're attending, volunteer next time to help bring it with you, why don't ya?! ;)

And for some previews for the shows: D'air Project "Taking dance into the air" by Andrew Alexander in Creative Loafing.  For the Fusion show, I'm going to send you over to the Atlanta Ballet blog so I don't need to duplicate, though I don't see the link to this preview there (it may be in there somewhere). And wow, there's a couple more things that you should find more info about on (the google cal still, I KNOW, I'm trying to find time to really devote to getting this dang site going finally after a year, grrr.)

Y'all enjoy all the dancing this weekend! And don't forget, next weekend is the DanceATL meeting on April 3. I'll stick the info up as another post. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Some recents

Yep, it's been a very long time since I posted. A very busy month for me (even compared to the normal amount of busy!) And so it goes. Here are some things from the last month or so that I haven't posted yet.

From Creative Loafing: 
AND, I just sent out the enews to our current list. If you didn't get it and you'd like to in the future, please send me an email at and I'll add you!  Yay dance!